Section 1: Face Page
Section 2: Key
Section 3a: Abstract in Chinese
Section 3b: Abstract in English
Section 4: Progress report & response to previous review comments
(A)Revised application
-point-by-point response to previous comments
-can rebut comments that you disagree with
(B)Progress report
-Showcase the ability to recruit , follow-up, measure, analyze, and publish
(37%那個就有委員質疑,是否計畫一開始就不應該通過@ @!)
Section 5: Research Plan
(A)Specific aims
-State Clearly清楚描述每個目的
-Last for how long, not year 1, year 2...
(B)Background & Significant(Literature review放這邊)─注意勿抄襲!
(C)Previous Current Studies
experience and
expertise relevant to current proposal
(D)Research Design & Methods
-More detail the better→describe how to complete each aim in detail (List out the time line)
-Substantiate that there are sufficient eligible subjects to recruit from and achieve the requires ample size
(This might be a big challenge!!!!)
-Show that you can or have the experience to recruit and follow up the study subjects
-Statistical methods match the feasible , reasonable (Better to include experts!)
-Include sample size & power calculation
-Justify sample size estimation using realistic effect size, based on pilot study or literature review
-Database sources→若要使用現有資料庫,必須附上許可書, letter of support, inclusion as co -investigators
-Multi-site study→require supporting letters
-primary main outcome measurement
-Propose alternatives是否有其他替代方案
-avoid missing or incorrect references
-Incorrect numbering of tables and figures
-outdated/incomplete biographical sketch
Cut, copy and paste要注意,前後要一致
-Obtain editing up, proof-read before